Beauty is everywhere.

I live in a beautiful small town surrounded by desert and cheese beautiful photos was taken 500  meters from my home. The silence and tranquility of the simplicity of the desert has always amazed me. The colors are changing every second and it is like a never ending creation of art, a canvas that is alive. Gods perfect art work.

No sugar, dairy and wheat.

So I have been avoiding sugar, dairy and wheat for about 3 months now. I can see my elbows has almost cleared up from psoriasis and my itching on my belly is almost gone. Surprisingly my feet are better as well and do not crack as much as they usually do.

It has not been as hard as I thought but occasionally I am a bit fed up and would love a cracker and some bread. Since I never eat in restaurants it is much easier cooking my own food and baking my health cookies ,that sometimes come out not very tasty. But that is the part of the journey of learning and trying out new things.

The Nutri Bullet has been a great purchase and I am using it every day about 2 times extracting my food into shakes. I try to make one green drink a day and one with berries and fruits and almond milk that I make myself as well with my Nutri Bullet. If you have never heard of it, check it out on You tube you will not regret buying one if you want to improve your health.

The big challenge will be when I am on a holiday and making good food choices and still trying to avoid the bad stuff, it will not be easy.

I will eventually add some bread to my diet but just once in a while and see if I still can keep my skin psoriasis free. If not i will probably have to live without it forever and I guess time will tell. Have a great healthy weekIMG_1655

Silk bracelets

I started to paint on silk a few years ago and I made lot’s of colorful paintings. Then one day I came  up with a new idea and started to make  these wonderful colorful silk wrap bracelets. They do look stunning and add so much color and beauty to both younger and older womens style. I first stretch the material to a wooden board and then just go for it with all the wonderful color combinations. I wet the silk with water and use salt to get an effect of batik. I love the combination of gemstones with the silk.CIMG3086NecklacesNecklaces3