My psoriasis cleared up.

I am now almost 10 months on my new diet to clear up psoriasis. The first 7 months I was very strict with no diary, no meat, no sugar,no alcohol, no wheat and gluten products and avoided night shade veggies that are acidic. I drank no coffee for about 3 months  and used raw cacao instead. After about 3 months I started to add chlorella, spirulina, macca and moringa capsules to my died and having green smoothies every day at least once. I am also drinking 1 liter of water with one squeezed lemon,1/2 tsp baking soda and a tbs of organic  appelcider vinegar first thing in the morning. I started to notice the difference after about  3 weeks, but then my psoriasis is not very severe. I have it  only on my elbows and my feet crack badly.But I did notice a few new spots spreading on my elbows before  I started my new diet.

After 7 months in the program I went for a holiday for 2 months and then it got difficult, living with my mom and being invited to dinners and cafes. So I started to eat occasionally some meat, chicken, small piece of cake coffee etc. But I am making sure it is not every day and I keep on  ADDING the greens and smoothies  every day.  I have to say that my feet are clear now  but sometimes a small spot comes up and my elbow are clear as well. So I do believe that the food can help tremendiously for anyone having psoriasis.

Tranquility is the answer to most problems.

I know stress is a factor as well and  we all have stress in our lives and I do worry a lot and have a hard time not to.  Taking time in nature to relax and connect to my inner peace is my way of dealing with stress. This has become a way of life for me know and I honestly can say that I am not so tempted anymore to eat unhealthy foods. There is so many healthy and tasty foods to be found, it just takes some effort and time to learn. And be patient with yourselves it does take time to change old habits. I felt that the moment I decided to do something about my psoriasis getting worse I already started to feel better. I hope this will help someone to get some hope and start their journey.

Autumn inspirations

Although I am living in a city where we never see the wonderful colors of autumn, I can feel it in the air. So I get inspired by colors and the rustic feel of the season. This bracelet will look stunning and add color to your autumn collection, and the necklace will look wonderful with thicker materials worn in the winter season. They can be found in my Etsy store.Shop here